Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Entry 11: In My House Again

Telemachus did as I said, which was to hide the weapons for my secret arrival. Eumaeus showed me around, in our tour we walked past an old dog, Argus. Before I left for the war I trained this young puppy, now to see him laying here old and in pain, it was hard for me not show my emotion. Eumaeus tells me that the dog is not being taken care of because his master is gone and the women slaves do not take care of him. I expressed that I believed that he could have been a good dog if he would have been trained right, not trying to lead on too much. Afterwards he took me inside where I saw the suitors destroying the house I once left. As I asked for bread all of them were kind and willing to share, expect for Antinous. I asked him what might it harm since he was living off another mans livestock and house. My words anger Antinous as he picks up a stool and crushes it on my back. I tell him that he will die for his wedding day shall come. After this I was called to see Penelope who my heart longed for.She asked me of my journey and if I had heard anything of her husband Odysseus. I couldn't tell her that it was me so I told her that he would be home soon. She also tells me of how she has avoided marrying the suitors for so long. She tells me of the shrine which they agreed she could sew before she had to pick one of them. At night for three years she would take apart the shrine so she could prolong the decision.

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